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Build a Basic App

Let's see how to create and run a basic app that uses MongoDB and Nginx, entirely from Monk.

This tutorial requires you to have Monk installed locally, which you can do just like this.

What we're building

We're preparing a small application for deployment. It's a simple guestbook written in Node.js, where we store entries in MongoDB and use a basic Nginx reverse proxy in front of the app to secure it.

We will prepare a Monk Kit for a small system composed of these three elements. The code of the app itself is not the focus of this tutorial and will be provided.

An artist's rendering of the system we're building

The app

Our App is just a simple piece of code that requires a Mongo database and exposes an HTTP endpoint by means of the Express framework.

Let's grab the source from GitHub:

git clone

Preparing the container

MonkOS runs containers so our App needs to be containerized before we can start handling it. We will use Docker in this tutorial as it is the easiest way to obtain a container image from the App's source code.

Open the folder containing the source and inspect the Dockerfile that we have prepared:


FROM node:alpine

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .

CMD ["node", "index.js"]

This is a pretty standard Node.js Dockerfile without any bells and whistles and it's good enough for our small App. Let's build and publish the image:

docker build -t yourname/tutorial:latest .
docker push yourname/tutorial:latest

This will give us the container image for our App. Your local docker instance now knows about the yourname/tutorial:latest image, and in the next step we will wrap it in a Monk Kit.


We only use Docker in this tutorial to build the image so that MonkOS becomes aware of our app by caching its container image. MonkOS will run and orchestrate containers spawned from any OCI-compliant container image; Docker is one way of obtaining those.

Preparing a MonkOS manifest

Let's start writing a Kit that will describe where to get the app, how to configure it and how to run it in the right context. Start a new file called app.yaml and put the following contents there:

namespace: /yourname

defines: runnable
version: 0.0.1
image: yourname/tutorial:latest

You can look at the tutorial.yaml file in the App's repo to see the full example at any time.

We have provided the simplest description of the container image to be run and MonkOS is already capable of starting it. The namespace field tells MonkOS where to put the description of app - it will be under yourname/app. The defines field is important as it tells MonkOS how to interpret parts of the YAML tree - all the names are free form so this is the way to "type" the YAML.

You could run your new Kit with:

monk load app.yaml
monk run yourname/app

To do this, you should have the cluster already set-up. Also, monk stop yourname/app to stop the Kit.

However, the Kit is not complete. Much like with docker-compose, in order to prepare a good runtime environment, we must understand what are the App's requirements.

By inspecting the index.js file we can see that the app requires three environment variables to be set before it runs:

const PORT = process.env.PORT;
const DB_HOST = process.env.DB_HOST;
const DB_PORT = process.env.DB_PORT;

This has to be reflected in our Kit by telling the container to use the right environment variables and also bringing them out into the MonkOS namespace. This will allow us to alter the variables later when composing the system.

First, let's define the variables in our runnable. Add the following variables section below the containers section:

namespace: /yourname

# ...
type: int
value: 8080
type: string
type: int
value: 27017

This tells MonkOS that we have a set of values associated with our runnable for the app. Now let's pass the values to the container by adding the following environment section to app/containers/app:

# ... image
- <- `PORT=${port}`
- <- `DB_HOST=${db-host}`
- <- `DB_PORT=${db-port}`

Here we see a small example of Monk's powerful language. The YAML values starting with <- will be calculated at runtime. In this case, we just interpolate environment variables from the variables we have defined in the namespace.


The syntax for string interpolation in MonkScript is inspired by JavaScript's string Kit literals. Learn more about Arrow scripts.

Your app.yaml manifest should now look like this:


namespace: /yourname

defines: runnable
version: 0.0.1
image: yourname/tutorial:latest
- <- `${port}:${port}`
- <- `PORT=${port}`
- <- `DB_HOST=${db-host}`
- <- `DB_PORT=${db-port}`
type: int
value: 8080
type: string
value: localhost
type: int
value: 27017

Now run the following to make MonkOS aware of your new Kit:

monk load app.yaml

And that's it! It's very easy to wrap any containerized application into a Monk Kit. You could publish this Kit now for everyone to run with a simple monk run yourname/app or use it in composition with other Kits.

We are going to deploy it ourselves though, so publishing won't be necessary.

3rd party services

One of the most interesting facts about MonkOS is that we don't have to work from scratch when it comes to deploying 3rd party services such as Mongo and Nginx. We can simply take them off the shelf and focus on our app.

You'll see in a second. We will use pre-made Kits for Mongo and Nginx and simply include them in our system composition. Which means this step... is not really a step after all 😎

Composing the system

Now it's time to compose our app's Kit with the third party services, and make another Kit out of that. This way, you will be able to run the same composition on any MonkOS cluster on any cloud.

Kit architecture for the system we&#39;re building

If you were to publish your composed Kit, other people would also be able to run this same setup in seconds or compose it further with their own services.

Creating a Kit of Kits

First, create a new manifest file called system.yaml and add the following contents:

namespace: /yourname

defines: runnable
inherits: ./app
value: 8080

defines: process-group
- /yourname/tutorial-app
- /yourname/tutorial-mongo
- /yourname/tutorial-nginx

We have already defined the yourname/app runnable inside app.yaml and now we're instantiating it as yourname/tutorial-app. Since app lives in the same namespace, we can just refer to it as ./app. The inherits keyword tells MonkOS to put the sub-tree from the target path in the new path (here: yourname/tutorial-app) and override it with whatever comes next.

There are two other runnables which we will define in a moment. Also notice that the file uses the same namespace, which means that MonkOS will put system together with the app in the same namespace tree. This is important because it allows you to keep your definition files in separate repositories but still retain order within your own namespace.

Finally, process-group is like a runnable consisting of other runnables. This allows us to group them and tell MonkOS that we want these things to be run together in a single cluster.

Adding Mongo

Great, now let's define the missing yourname/tutorial-mongo runnable in terms of the existing MongoDB Kit. Add this to the system.yaml file:

namespace: /yourname

# ...

defines: runnable
inherits: mongodb/mongodb

And we're all good. We will use MongoDB from the mongodb/mongodb Kit that has been published to the shared namespace. That's all we need, since the app is simple and we don't want to change any defaults that the database Kit comes with.

Let's update tutorial-app so it knows how to find the database. Add the db-host section to the tutorial-app/variables:

namespace: /yourname

# ...
# ...
value: <- get-hostname("yourname/tutorial-mongo", "db")

Adding Nginx

Nginx is next. The process is similar to MongoDB, but we want to get Nginx configured as a reverse proxy, so we'll have to tell it where to connect to:

namespace: /yourname

# ...

defines: runnable
inherits: nginx/reverse-proxy
value: 9090
value: <- get-hostname("yourname/tutorial-app", "app")
value: 8080

And that's pretty much it. Just changing those two variables is enough for the Nginx Kit to generate a config file for itself and behave as a reverse proxy for our purposes.

We could change any of the Nginx settings here or even enable Let's Encrypt, which is already available in the Nginx Kit, but let's keep it simple for now.

Our app is ready

In the previous steps we've composed all parts of our app. Your system.yaml file should look like this now:


namespace: /yourname

defines: runnable
inherits: mongodb/mongodb

defines: runnable
inherits: ./app
port: 9090
db-host: <- get-hostname("yourname/tutorial-mongo", "database")

defines: runnable
inherits: nginx/reverse-proxy
listen-port: 8080
proxy-target-host: <- get-hostname("yourname/tutorial-app", "app")
proxy-target-port: 9090

defines: process-group
- /yourname/tutorial-mongo
- /yourname/tutorial-app
- /yourname/tutorial-nginx

Let's load the system definition with:

monk load system.yaml

You can now run your system locally using the following command:

monk run yourname/system

And everything should be working like a charm. You can now visit http://localhost:9090 to verify that the app is in fact running and functioning correctly.

To update template & running workload, use:

monk update yourname/system

To stop it, use:

monk stop yourname/system


This concludes our basic app tutorial. We have learned how to compose 3rd party software with our own containerized service and how to run it all as an ensemble using Monk.

The next step would be to run your app on different clouds. To that end, you can head back to the Creating a cluster and Running Kits in a cluster guides to see them with a fresh perspective.

Or better yet, continue to Connecting runnables to see how we can make our services talk to each other.

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